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Landgate learning opportunities deliver benefits for all

Hosting university interns is one of the ways Landgate is enticing young talent to experience what the public sector has to offer.

We recently welcomed two University of Western Australia students – Banjan Lanzona and Arthur Lian - who undertook internships through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA.

The pair worked in our Strategy and Innovation area, which contributes to setting the strategic direction for the agency through the delivery of key internal and external strategies and documents.

During their time with us, they ran projects to explore emerging technology trends for consideration in Landgate’s strategic planning session.

Banjan explored Metaverse and Web 3.0 while Arthur explored automation and artificial intelligence, with each intern having the chance to summarise their findings into a report to present to Senior Leaders. 

Interns work at Landgate for an agreed number of days per week to complete their required 100 hours while completing their university studies.

People, Culture and Environment Director Agnes Elstone said there were many positives to including interns as part of our staff mix.

“Not only is it an opportunity for those joining us to learn more about working at a State Government agency, but it’s also great for Landgate, as these new staff bring new perspectives and ideas into our business,” she said.

“It also aligns with our aim to increase youth representation in line with our workforce and diversity plan.”

You can read more about Ban’s experience at Landgate here.