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ADD-01 Change of address

Version 7 - 01/07/2024

The information provided in this guide is not intended to amount to legal advice. Professional assistance may be required to determine the most appropriate action to protect your legal rights. Please read our Terms of Use on the Land Titles Registration policy and procedure guides web page. Landgate accepts no responsibility where parties print this guide and seek to rely on information that is out of date.

1. Overview1

A registered proprietor is able to amend their address for service of notices as shown on the certificate of title by lodging a Change of Address form with Landgate. The Change of Address form is provided in e-form format. Alternatively, the existing PDF version of the NA1 form can be used if required. The e-form is available via the following link:

A Notification Change of Address document can be lodged electronically via an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO) by eligible Subscribers - limited to a single proprietor per document.

Two addresses should not be given for any person. The address of a corporation is the address of the registered office of that corporation.

There are no document registration fees for the lodgement of a Change of Address or Notification to Amend Address form.

The Change of Address e-form does not have an inbuilt statutory, or the requirement to lodge a supporting statutory declaration.

1Updated 07/05/2024

2. By a Registered Proprietor with or without a Mortgage

A Registered Proprietor (who is not a company) can amend their address using the Change of Address e-form or the NA1 form, available via the following link: Multiple proprietors of the same land are able to apply on the same form.

If completing a Change of Address e-form, the following information will be required to be input:

  • the Land Description, Extent, Volume and Folio numbers
  • the name and former address of the Applicant(s) (this information can be pre-filled using the ‘Derive’ option)
  • the name and current address of the Applicant(s) (this information can be pre-filled using the ‘Derive from former applicant(s)’ option)
  • the date, and signature of the Applicant(s); and
  • a witness to the signature(s) of the Applicant(s) and the witnesses full name, address and occupation.

If an NA1 form is being used, the following information is required to be completed:

  • the Land Description, Extent, Volume and Folio numbers
  • the name of the Registered Proprietor(s) changing their address
  • the former and current addresses of the Registered Proprietor(s)
  • the date, and signature of the Registered Proprietor(s); and
  • a witness to the signature(s) of the applicant(s)/registered proprietor(s) and the witnesses full name, address and occupation.

3. By a Registered Proprietor who is a Company with or without a Mortgage

A Registered Proprietor, who is a company, can also amend their address using the Change of Address e-form or the NA1 form with the following differences to the above requirements:

  • the name and address of the registered proprietor(s) is to include the ACN number of the company; and
  • the document is executed by the company in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001.1

1 [Section 1-3 updated on 04/10/2018]

4. Amend Address for Service of Notice for a Caveator2

The caveator may make application under s.240A of the Transfer of Land Act 1893 to change the address, fax number or email address provided as the address for service of notice when the Caveat was lodged. The address for service of notices to the caveator is most important. Caveators and persons acting on their behalf should ensure that such address is kept current.

The caveator’s responsibility for the caveat does not end when the caveat is lodged. Caveators must deal with any statutory notice sent to them, as their rights will always be affected. If they do not understand the nature or effect of the notice, they should immediately seek legal advice.

An “Application by Caveator to Amend Address for Service of Notice” can be lodged electronically via an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO) by eligible Subscribers only, or in paper on an e-form. The application must be made by the Caveator and specify the following:

  • a description of the land caveated, Extent, Volume and Folio number
  • the document number of the caveat
  • a postal address in Australia or
  • an email address and  
  • for paper lodgements - the date and signature of the caveator and witness (where the caveator is a company, the appropriate execution under the Corporations Act 2001 will be required).

There are no document registration fees for the lodgement of an Application by Caveator to Amend Address for Service of Notice.

2Section updated 07/05/2024 and 01/07/2024

5. Also see