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SPP-02 Searching Landgate Records

Version 4 - 12/07/2022

This guide is intended as general information only. If you are uncertain of your rights or interests, please seek professional legal advice. Landgate staff are not able to give legal advice or to draft your documents. Please read our Terms of Use above.

1. My Landgate

My Landgate is Western Australia’s internet gateway to land and property information and has been developed to provide internet access to a range of government data, products and services.  My Landgate’s dedicated Survey Channel includes online map viewing capability and resources most relevant to the survey industry.  My Landgate can be accessed at  It is only available to registered users.  Please contact Landgate’s Customer Service on 9273 7373 or email more information and to subscribe to the service.

2. Map Viewer Plus

View and interrogate cadastral information, geodetic survey marks, topographic and other datasets.  This data can then be overlaid with the latest aerial photography using varying levels of transparency, to provide a single image of relevant information.

There is the provision of various search functions including a specific address and lot on plan, and the ability to activate individual layers as required.

Various cadastral survey indexes are available as a layer, including the ability to view and download superseded analogue survey index plans as colour JPEG images.

It is possible to search and enquire on geodetic survey marks, view and download mark details and station summaries, and report missing or damaged marks.

Topographic datasets include road centrelines, major water features and points and lines of interest e.g. airports, railways.

3. Land Enquiry Services

Customers are able to submit a request, on line, utilising Land Enquiry Services to obtain copies of Titles, Crown and Freehold surveys, documents, field books and index plans. Such information will be forwarded by email as a PDF attachment.

4. Dual Numbering of Crown Plans and Diagrams

To enable Freehold Titles that exist over lots/locations depicted on the various types of Crown plans and diagrams to be captured in SmartRegister it was necessary to allocate them a Deposited Plan (DP) number. The following table indicates the number ranges allocated to each plan or diagram type.

The number ranges allocated to each plan or diagram type:

Description Code Dp Number (min) Dp Number (max)
District Diagram DD 79000 90433
Reserve Diagram RD 91000 92447
Miscellaneous Diagram MD 93000 93652
Crown Diagram CD 100001 198210
Crown Plan CP 201501 221440
Townsite Plan TP 222000 223272
District Plan PD 224000 233733
Surveyors Plan SV 235000 235198
Resumption Plan RS 236000 237012
Pastoral Plan PA 238000 238674
Miscellaneous Plan MP 241000 244076
Easement Plan EP 244000 244076
Diagram Book DB 245000 257792

The new DP numbers can be searched using the ‘Crown Survey Dual Number Lookup’ tool in Land Enquiry Services.

5. Key Sheets

Before the advent of the SIP series, two parallel indices of Crown and Freehold surveys existed. Since all of the historical Crown survey information was not able to be transferred, it is imperative that the Imperial and Metric series of Crown Key Sheets be sighted when searching for survey information.

In some areas there may be several map series covering the one search area e.g. 4, 20, 40, 80 & 300 chain series; named townsite; dual metric survey index plans; and key sheets.  The 4 chain series of Key Sheet should always be checked in the metropolitan area.

Some old townsites are on old LTO Index Plans that are now lodged (recorded) as LTO (Freehold) plan numbers and therefore the register needs to be searched.

The data has been digitally captured and it is available in the Static Historical Information of Land Enquiry Services.

6. Survey Index Cards (SIC)

The Survey Index Cards (SIC) provide all of the original information on Crown Locations, AA lots, Estates, Town Lots, State Forests and Reserves.  The information provided includes Original Plan (OP) and Diagram numbers, Compilations, Key Sheets and File Numbers.  The data has been digitally captured and it is available in the Static Historical Information of Land Enquiry Services.

7. Geodetic Data

Landgate provides on-line access to standard survey mark (SSM) and benchmark (BM) coordinate information, metadata and graphical summaries through Map Viewer Plus.

SSM information includes references to field records containing cadastral connections that may not be recorded on the Survey Index.

8. Mining Tenure

Mining tenure and cadastral survey records held by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) should be researched especially if current tenements are involved and the surrender of surface rights is an issue.  This is a requirement for Road Casement Surveys by Limited Marking (See APX-01).

9. Gazettals

Under the Land Administration Act 1997 all actions against Crown land must be registered to be effectual.  This means that where in the past an action was effectual on publication in the Government Gazette, under the LAA it is effectual upon registration of a Ministerial Order - the date of registration being the effective date.

Gazettals/registration of reserves, roads, townsites, etc. may need to be referred to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) Survey Coordinator before issue of Crown Survey/Drafting contracts if boundary survey detail is vague or not known.  Any subsequent problems should be referred to Survey Coordination, DPLH.

10. Miscellaneous and Reserve Plans

Landgate produces sketch plans depicting land parcels incorporating unsurveyed boundaries. These plans need to be searched and shown on new Deposited Plans.

Since April 1998 all Crown Plans/Diagrams have used a single numbering system and are now lodged and numbered as deposited plans. (See Dual Numbering of Crown Plans and Diagrams and plan examples 7273 and 74).

11. Renovation Plans for Central Business Districts (CBDs)

Historically, street alignments in CBD areas were not clearly defined.  In common with many surveys of the earlier period lot numbers and dimensions were shown while areas and angles were often omitted.  In many instances, the dimensions for lots were indeterminate due to conflicting values or the passage of time that has rendered the information illegible (in some cases there is no field book).

Street Corner Plans (SCP) were introduced in response to a demand for clearly defined property boundaries in areas of very high land values.  These early SCPs were produced on a needs basis for each particular survey and were basically an alignment sketch.

This was a piecemeal approach and Landgate realised that a coordinated effort was necessary, particularly as the State was going through a boom period in construction and also to satisfy user demand.

In 1975, the Inspecting Surveyors introduced a control survey network with all street corners in the CBD of Perth being tied to the geodetic framework.

There was a rigorous identification and re-establishment of all street corners and buildings.  With additional marking this provided an excellent base for subsequent surveys.

All these renovation surveys were performed to high levels of accuracies with surround closes of sections having an upper limit of ± 10 “ angular and 1:75,000 linear.  These accuracies enabled the precise identification of every land parcel within any described section.

All available data was evaluated using the strictest survey examination principles based on strength of alignment, the reliability of marks found, proportioning of excess or deficiency, evaluation of CT dimensions, relevant constraints and variances caused by occupation and the chronological age of sectional surveys.

In 1981, Renovation Plans were introduced and these were a major improvement on the superseded SCPs.

Details shown on Renovation Plans include:

  • definition of all land parcels within a described section, depicting original and adopted cadastral values (C/T dimensions shown if they conflict with original values)
  • Crown and Freehold lots
  • reference to all sources- plans, diagrams, field books, Public Plans, SIPs and C/Ts
  • ownership
  • building connections (where determined)
  • road widths and connections to opposite corners
  • connection to renovation control line (Geodetic Network). True azimuths are shown and coordinates are available for the control network.

These plans are the single information source (base) needed for subsequent surveys.

The compilation and maintenance of Renovation Plans ceased in January 1993 with a total of 38 plans being produced for the CBD areas of:

  • Perth- 26 (covering 2/3 of Perth CBD)
  • West Perth- 7,
  • Fremantle- 5.

See APX-07 - Renovation Plan Indexes.

See Appendix 7 - Renovation Plan Indexes.

11.1. Disclaimer

On each Renovation Plan there is a disclaimer stating:

  • Maintenance of Renovation Plans ceased January 1993.
  • Angles and distances on Renovation Plans to be adopted for compiled plans, excepting where boundary or boundaries have been superseded by subsequent surveys (Post January 1993).
  • Renovation Plans are not to be used as the sole criteria for the re-establishment of corners.
  • Building connections to be substantiated before adopting.

11.2. Searching

Unique index sheets, showing Renovation Plans in the CBD areas of Perth, West Perth and Fremantle are available at APX-07 - Renovation Plan Indexes.

All Renovation Plans are endorsed onto SIPs and can be requested from Landgate Survey Team.  If a Renovation Plan is not shown within a section, then one hasn’t been produced.

The Landgate Survey Team can be contacted for any problems associated with Renovation Plans (Renovation Plan search must have been instigated prior to contact).

All original Renovation Plans are held in Landgate storage.

12. Acquiring Digital Data from Landgate2

An increasingly common additional search component for cadastral surveys is the acquisition of digital data from Landgate’s Spatial Cadastral Database (SCDB).

This data can be used for mapping and other drafting applications concerning the depiction of land boundaries. In some places the SCDB can be used to assist in the definition of boundaries and can be useful in searching for survey marks in remote locations. However, the range of uses is limited by the spatial accuracy of the SCDB coordinates for the area of interest.

A form to submit a data request is available from Landgate’s website:

Alternately go to Landgate’s home page: and navigate the following path:

‘For business & government’ / ‘Land data’ / ‘Cadastral data’ / ‘Order now’.

The various parts of the Location Information Transaction form are as follows:

  • Customer details generally self-explanatory and subject to personal preference.
  • Defined Area/Projection refers to the method of describing the area of interest for which an extract is required. It can be in the form of:
    • bounding rectangle defined by geographical or MGA coordinates. Remember to select the datum required.
    • standard map sheet e.g. 1:2000 BG 34 16.17
    • an existing area of interest such as a suburb or local government boundary
    • a local area of interest outlined on a map.
  • Land Information Required - Surveyors will mainly be interested in the Cadastral family. The other families generally won’t be necessary for survey purposes. Information about geodetic stations can be obtained from My Landgate Survey Channel, GOLA or from the information counter at the Midland office.

Choose the data status, type and format required by checking the appropriate boxes.

  • Payment Options - Select from the drop down menu
  • Delivery Options- Select from the drop down menu

The most common method now is email (containing a download link) because this enables effective and efficient transfer of electronic data between remote sites.

2Section 14 updated 11/11/2020

13. Availability and Procedure to Acquire CSD Files1

The ‘as lodged’ CSD files of specific DPs and survey-strata plans are available to practising licensed surveyors using the following procedure.

  1. Send requests by email to
  2. The request will be processed and the CSD file(s) delivered by email to the requester.
  3. There will be no fee for such a request.
  4. Landgate has ceased supplying custom digital data extracts as CSD files.

CSD files are certified by the relevant Licensed Surveyor at the time of lodgement (refer SPP-16 Digital Data Requirements).3

Landgate takes no responsibility for the data contained within the CSD file and recommends that it be verified prior to use.3

Any applicable eFBs are to be ordered through Land Enquiry Services as a ‘Field Record’ on the ‘Order Multiple Products’ screen.3

1Section 15 rewritten 10/11/2020

3Sentences added 06/07/2022

14. Use of the Spatial Cadastral Database (SCDB) to Assist Cadastral Surveys

14.1. Introduction

The SCDB is much more than an electronic map because it is a repository of both spatial and textual data, and the display can be customised to a wide range of thematic views.  Also, the accuracy of spatial data, such as coordinates and distances, is independent of map scale.

Many professionals, including surveyors, use discrete extracts of the SCDB for a wide variety of purposes, most of which concern small to medium scale mapping, and for populating Geographical Information Systems.

14.2. Potential  Uses of Digital Cadastral Data

It is common for extracts from the SCDB to be used as the base for a variety of thematic maps and information systems.  Other uses particularly applicable to land surveyors include:

  • The search for buried survey marks, including reference marks,
  • The determination of the positions of civil works that have a fixed design relationship to cadastral boundaries where the spatial separation of structures to boundaries is suitable, and
  • The definition and marking of land boundaries in exceptional circumstances such as the widespread loss of ground marks and the nature and value of the land tenure.

14.3. Spatial Accuracy

It is common to each of these uses that the spatial accuracy of the digital data must be compatible with the objectives of the project.  Point positions in the SCDB have a wide range of spatial accuracies, and it is important to determine the accuracies available in the area of interest.

The SCDB was originally digitised from the largest scale available maps. In urban areas this was generally 1:2000, but over the state maps ranged in scale from 1:1000 to 1:500,000.  It has been generally recognised that the spatial accuracy of digitised points can be no better than 1mm at map scale.  For example, points captured from 1:25,000 mapping can be expected to have errors in position of about 25 metres and the accuracy statement of each point will reflect this relationship.

However, the whole state has now been spatially upgraded such that the stated coordinates are now much closer to the actual position, or ground truth. Current specifications expect to achieve the following accuracies:

  • Early Issue/SSA: about 0.03m
  • Urban: about 0.05m to 0.2m
  • Rural: about 0.5m to 2.5m
  • Pastoral: about 2.5m to 10m

Landgate is in the process of complying with the ICSM Standard for the Accuracy of Spatial Cadastres in Australia and New Zealand.

14.4. Conclusion

The SCDB can be a significant tool to use in cadastral surveys. However, it is important to know to what spatial accuracy it is in any particular area of interest, and to consider this in respect to the proposed application.

Surveyors have three broad classes of use for the coordinates held in the SCDB, and can contribute to the continual upgrade of those coordinates by making connections between reliable cadastral survey marks and the State Geodetic Survey.

In most cases, the SCDB will provide a close, but varying, estimate of the position of land boundaries.  In rare cases, the SCDB will provide the spatial definition of land parcels.  Used in conjunction with the existing physical cadastre, surveyors can use the SCDB to assist them to provide certainty of boundary positions for a wide range of commercial purposes.