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  • A new and improved model for strata management educational qualifications has been proposed for WA following extensive industry consultation. The changes expand educational qualifications and

  • This guide is intended as general information only. If you are uncertain of your rights or interests, please seek professional legal advice. Landgate staff are not able to give legal advice or to

  • About native title Native title recognises the rights and interests relating to land or waters held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under their traditional laws and customs as set out

  • What is included? All of our aerial imagery is visible spectrum and corrected to allow for distortions caused by the curvature of the earth’s surface, relief and any lens aberrations. Aerial imagery

  • Our administrative boundary data contains authoritative boundary information for Western Australia covering administrative areas and aligned with the State’s cadastre.

  • Key information Leasehold strata is a leasehold system of land tenure, providing the right to use land under a strata lease for a term of no less than 20 and up to 99 years. The leasehold strata

  • Learn more about this State Government legislative review and opportunities to provide feedback. A new educational model for WA strata managers is on its way. Important information on legislated

  • Understanding community schemes  Community schemes were introduced to Western Australia on 30 June 2021 through the Community Titles Act 2018, delivering a new form of land tenure and subdivision to

  • Buying a lot The buyer of a lot in a community titles scheme is buying into a community environment, where their scheme is likely to be one of several community titles schemes in the overall