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Five year review of WA's strata law

Learn more about this State Government legislative review and opportunities to provide feedback.

The State Government is undertaking a five-year statutory review of WA’s strata law (the Strata Titles Act 1985) that includes two public consultations. The October 2024 phase one consultation is focussed on identifying issues, which will then be examined prior to a second consultation being held in the first half of 2025 to share potential strata law reforms for public comment.

Each consultation phase will be guided by a discussion paper and online feedback form. Anyone with interest in improving WA’s strata law is encouraged to provide feedback.

The review aims to expand the wide-ranging legislative improvements that started in 2020 to make strata clearer and fairer for WA strata owners, residents, and industry professionals. Three key themes will inform the review’s scope, guiding its research and consultation focus:

  1. Improving cost controls in strata titles schemes
  2. Enhance strata living
  3. Strata manager practice and standards

Landgate is administering the review and its consultation activity on behalf of the Minister for Lands, ahead of a final report being prepared for Parliament from mid-2025.

Phase one consultation – open 1 to 31 October 2024  

Discussion paper and privacy note

You’re invited to read the Phase one Discussion Paper before providing feedback below. It provides important information about the consultation and its review themes.

Reminder - this phase one consultation is focused on identifying any issues that you are experiencing that relate to WA’s strata law. The phase two consultation in 2025 will present potential reform solutions for comment.

Important privacy note: Information provided through this review may become public. As your feedback forms part of a public consultation process, the Government may quote from your comments in future publications. If you prefer your name to remain confidential, please indicate this in your submission.  

Please also clearly indicate if there is information or data in your submission that is confidential and should be redacted before publication. Please also note that submissions made in response to this paper will be subject to freedom of information requests and will be treated in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA). 

Feedback form

  • Only complete the consultation questions of interest to you.
  • Further information is provided if you hover over the answer field for questions 1 to 3.
  • Each question allows for a maximum of 1000 words.
  • Fields marked with an asterix (*) are required. (Landgate requires your name and a valid email).
  • Please clearly indicate in your answers if information or data is confidential.

Phase one issues consultation – strata living issues

Consultation questions

Your contact details 


If you have a consultation query or would like to provide written feedback, you can email Landgate via before 31 October 2024.